Create a console app and program into it the methods listed below. Call them all. Check if you are convinced that the answer is correct! You might want to use a flow chart or other tool. Then take a picture of that and add it to your Training Assignments.
In between you will find quotes from famous computer scientists here and there.
Quote: Understand well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand. (Ada Lovelace)
(i) Create a method FullName with the parameters forename and surname (first and last name, if you prefer to do it in NL). Call FullName(“Ada”, “Lovelace”) returns “Ada Lovelace”, She was the first programmer ever! Call FullName(“Alan”, “Kay”) returns: “Alan Kay”. Also remember that there must be a space between first and last name!
(ii) Create a method called Times with the same parameters as the previous one. The return value is an int containing the number of letters in first name times the number of letters in last name.
(iiia) Create a method called IsIn with a string parameter character
and a string parameter word
. The method returns a boolean: true if the character
occurs in word
, false otherwise. If you can’t figure this out on your own look at the bottom of this page for ‘First Aid for Hanging’.
(iiib) Again, create a method called InCommon with the string parameters forename and surname, which returns exactly the characters that appear in both forename and surname (as a String or as a List).
Quote: Always remember, however, that there's usually a simpler and better way to do something than the first way that pops into your head." (Donald Knuth)
(iv) Method HowMuchLonger, same parameters, which returns a number: the number of letters the last name is longer than the first name, or 0 if the last name is not longer than the first name.
(v) Method FirstNameOf with 1 parameter: the fullName (e.g. “Donald Knuth”, a well-known computer scientist). The method returns the first name.
(vi) Idem SurnameOf.
Quote: Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves. (Alan Kay)
(vii) Create a method FirstName Backwards that takes the first name from the fullName parameter and pastes the letters backwards into a String: this is the return value of this method.
(viii) Create a method SurnameBackward that takes from the fullName parameter the last name and pastes the letters backward in a String: this is the return value of this method.
Quote: If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in (Edsger W. Dijkstra)
(ix) Create a method UmEnUmForeSight, which from parameter fullName first grabs 1st letter of first name, then 1st of last name, then 2nd letter of first name, 2nd of last name, 3rd of first name, 3rd of last name, 4th … well, I think you get the idea. If one name is “up” and the other is not yet, paste the remaining letters after it and return the built-up string. Call this method a few times and check the result! Example: UmEnUmVoorAchter(“Edsger Dijkstra”) returns: “EDdisjgkesrtra”
The art of programming is the art of organizing complexity. (Edsger W. Dijkstra)
(x) You guessed it: we also want an UmEnUmAchterVoor, which does the same thing as the UmEnUmVoorVoor, but the 1st letter comes from the last name instead of the first name. Example: UmEnUmUmForBefore(“Edsger Dijkstra”) returns: “DEidjskgsetrra”
Quote: The best programs are written so that computing machines can perform them quickly and so that human beings can understand them clearly. A programmer is ideally an essayist who works with traditional aesthetic and literary forms as well as mathematical concepts, to communicate the way that an algorithm works and to convince a reader that the results will be correct.(Donald Knuth)
(xi) Create a method WordCount that receives a string containing a text (for example, one of the quotes on this page). The method returns an integer: the number of words in the string.
(xii) Create a method MeanLength that receives a string containing text (for example, one of the quotes on this page). The method returns a double: the average number of letters per word.
(xiii) Create a method IsLeap that returns a bool given an int parameter year
: true
if it is a leap year, false
otherwise. Program the calculation yourself.
When is a year a leap year? When it is divisible by 4 (2020 is a leap year), but not when it is divisible by 100 (2100 is not a leap year), except once every 400 years (2000 was a leap year).
For enthusiasts: a lot has been written about calendar calculations, see for example
The Calender FAQ
(xiv) Create a method numberDaysInFebruary that calculates given a year (int) the number of days in February in that year.
(xv) Create a method numberDaysInYear that given a year number (int) returns the number of days in that year.
It is a good idea to review and/or test the following yourself:
method is the only place where Console.ReadLine()
and Console.WriteLine()
appear!happy flow
during programming. Try to test exceptional situations too! Pass an empty string to a method that has a string parameter, and a method expecting a List or an array is called with an empty List or array.How do you pull letters out of a string? How do you count the number of letters in a string? How do you check if a string appears as part of another string?