
Challenge Word Finder

Version 1 - Jan Oonk
Level 4 or 5.
Learning Objectives Class, Property, Constructor, private/public, UI separation, algorithm, file read/write.
Prior knowledge required Method, GUI, Basic Types, If.
Challenge Type Programming, Algorithm.


Based on a set of words (from a text file), generate a word search puzzle of a specified width x height. Words are hidden both horizontally (left-right whether eighth-front or not) and vertically (top-bottom whether rear-front or not).

Make sure the words stay within the playing area and do not “wrap” to the other side of the playing area. Then the player should be able to search for the words. Part of the player screen consists of overview of words to be searched and other part is the playing field of letters.

The player can mark words in the playfield by selecting letters using the left button of the mouse. A letter that has already been selected is de-selected when clicked again. The selected letters are automatically checked after clicking. Letters can only be selected in the same direction as the previously selected letter(s).

If the selected letters are recognized as a word in the list of hidden words then this word is crossed out. While selecting letters, they are circled in orange.

If the selected letters form a word yet to be searched for, the circles turn permanently green.

Letters can be selected more often and be part of multiple words.

Show a timer how long the player has been playing.



Variation / additional features: